minong-lake-managementIn 2002, Eurasian water milfoil (EWM), an aquatic invasive plant species, was found in the Minong Flowage in Washburn and Douglas Counties. A subsequent plant survey and a sediment survey determined that it was likely present in the Flowage several years before being detected. Some predictions were made at that time that EWM would only grow to nuisance levels in about 100 acres in any given year. A committee was formed by the Minong Flowage Association to watch the EWM and begin the process of determining how best to manage the unwanted plant species in the Flowage.

2012 Minong Flowage Task Update – Minong Flowage AIS Management Implementation (PDF file)

View our Minong Flowage Map


CLP Bed Mapping Survey

CLP Bed Mapping Survey 5 27 2011 MBerg ERS