Wake Enhancement Ordinance Background Articles – February 2025

Minong and Wascott Town boards are considering an ordinance to restrict wake enhancement boats from operating in what is called ballast mode which creates a prop wash over 30 feet down in the water column (Minong Flowage has an average depth of 9 feet).  Thirty-four towns in Wisconsin have passed a similar ordinance and several neighboring towns to Minong and Wascott are currently intending to pass an ordinance or are giving it serious consideration. 

Here are some articles and documents that are worth reading to better understand the drive for an ordinance:

2023 WI Legislative Council Memo re Public Trust Doctrine

Lake Waramaug Final Report

Wake Boat Talking Points

Washburn County Lakes and Rivers Article

WI Lakes Coalition Release – 9-16-24


Shoreline Stabilization and Rip-Rap Updates from WI WNR – November 2022

Permits for rock riprap are needed on the Minong Flowage.  It is an ASNRI water (Area of Special Natural Resource Interest) and those waters require permits.

If a lake or stream is not an ASNRI water they may be exempt from a permit if they follow the exemption guidelines but this does not apply to the Minong Flowage. This covers both Washburn and Douglas Counties.


Minong Flowage ASNRI – Area of Special Natural Resource Interest map – November 2022

Shoreline Erosion Control Structures Permitting | | Wisconsin DNR

Wisconsin Shoreline Stabilization Guide



Regulations & Ordinances

Decontamination Ordinance

Wisconsin Boating Laws and Responsibilities

Wisconsin Boating Safety Education Requirements

Wisconsin Waterway Markers and Buoy Guidelines


DNR General Information

DNR Information on the Minong Flowage