Lake Consultant

Company Name: Lake Education and Planning Services, LLC (LEAPS)

Phone number: 715-642-0635



Short description of services offered: The goal of LEAPS is to facilitate all aspects of lake and aquatic plant management including identifying/defining the problem; providing education, information, and planning to come up with actions that address the problem; and implementing those actions in an efficient and cost-effective way to solve the problem.  To accomplish this goal, the following services are provided: aquatic plant & invasive species management planning & Implementation; aquatic invasive species (AIS) biological control programs; comprehensive lake management planning & implementation; AIS & native aquatic plant identification & AIS surveying; WDNR surface water & other grant preparation; and lake, watershed, & invasive species education for lake organizations, camps, schools, and community groups, universities, and others. It is difficult to list all LEAPS does, so call and ask if you don’t see what you need.



Lake Plant Survey Consultant

Company Name: Endangered Resource Services, LLC

Consultant: Matthew S. Berg – Research Biologist

Phone number: 715-338-7502


Note: Have a plant that you don’t know what it is?  Take a picture that clearly shows the leaves and text the picture to Matt at the above number, and he’ll be happy to tell you what it is.